Reactivated provides you with an API to make working with Django and React easier.

Python / Django


Use the template decorator to define your template structure. By convention, these templates go in templates.py of the corresponding app. Simply import NamedTuple and template then define the context.

from typing import NamedTuple

from reactivated import template

class MyTemplate(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    title: str
    age: int
    location: str

From a standard Django view, render your template by instantiating it and calling render on it.

from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse

from . import templates

def my_view(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
    return templates.MyTemplate(
        name="George Washington",

Note: Reactivated will look for a default export from BASE_DIR/client/templates/TEMPLATE_NAME.tsx


Passing model instances to a React template is tricky. We need to serialize the model instance, but for many reasons, can't simply send over every field. Instead, we explicitly tell our template what fields to pick from the model.

Using the following models:

class Author(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    age = models.IntegerField()

class Book(models.Model):
    author = models.ForeignKey(Author)
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)

We can use Pick as follows:

from reactivated import Pick, template
from typing import Literal

from . import models

class BookDetail(NamedTuple):
    book: Pick[models.Book, Literal["name", "author.name", "author.age"]]

To use a list of book instances, just wrap everything with List from typing:

class BookDetail(NamedTuple):
    book: Pick[models.Book, Literal["name", "author.name", "author.age"]]
    related_books: List[Pick[models.Book, Literal["name", "author.name", "author.age"]]]

You'll notice we're repeating ourselves quite a bit. We can alias our Pick and reuse it:

Book = Pick[models.Book, Literal["name", "author.name", "author.age"]]

class BookDetail(NamedTuple):
    book: Book
    related_books: List[Book}

We would then render the template as follows:

def book_detail(request: HttpRequest, *, book_id: int) -> HttpResponse:
    book = get_object_or_404(models.Book, id=book_id)
    return BookDetail(


This behaves identically to the template decorator. But unlike template, it will not expect you to create a corresponding .tsx file.

This is useful for creating AJAX-only endpoints and statically typing them.

See the AJAX concepts for more information.

TypeScript / React


When you use the reactivated.template decorator in your Django code, Reactivated will generate types for you.

For a template named MyTemplate inside server/custom_app/templates.py, you would then create a file named client/templates/MyTemplate.tsx and import templates like so:

import {templates} from "@reactivated";

export const Template = (props: templates.MyTemplate) => (

If you mismatch types, say templates.MyOtherTemplate and they are structurally different, TypeScript will complain. If you don't create the template file or don't export the template correctly, TypeScript will also complain.


Just like Django templates, you can import Form and render a basic form as p tags or a table. Just like Django's renderer, the outer form tag is not included. Same goes for the table tag.

import {CSRFToken, Form, templates} from "@reactivated";

export default (props: templates.MyFormTemplate) => (
        <form method="POST">
            <CSRFToken />
            <Form form={props.form} as="p" />
            <button type="submit">Submit</button>

        <form method="POST">
            <CSRFToken />
                    <Form form={props.form} as="table" />
            <button type="submit">Submit</button>


You'll probably want far more control over the rendering of your form. And if you have any custom form widgets, the built-in Form tag will complain as it does not know how to render them.

The useForm hook exposes values, errors, fields and more. This gives you full control over the output.

Because you have access to form.values, this also allows you to manipulate the form dynamically.

import {CSRFToken, Widget, useForm, FieldHandler, templates} from "@reactivated";

const Field = (props: {field: FieldHandler}) => {
    const {field} = props;
    const widget =
        field.tag == "custom_app.widgets.CustomWidget" ? (
            <CustomWidget field={field} />
        ) : (
            <Widget field={field} />

    return (

export default (props: templates.MyFormTemplate) => {
    const form = useForm({form: props.form});

    return (
        <form method="POST">
            <CSRFToken />
            {form.nonFieldErrors?.map((error, index) => (
                <div key={index}>{error}</div>
            {form.hiddenFields.map((field, index) => (
                <Widget key={index} field={field} />
            <Field field={form.fields.username} />
            <Field field={form.fields.password} />
            <Field field={form.fields.country} />
            {form.values.country === "USA" && <Field field={form.fields.zip_code} />}

Notice we declare a custom field component using the FieldHandler convenience type. The type system will force us to handle custom widgets before delegating to the built-in Widget component. In most cases, you'll end up providing custom widget markup even for built-in widgets, but the Widget component helps you get started.


Just like the Form tag, you can use the FormSet component to quickly prototype your form sets.

import {CSRFToken, FormSet, templates} from "@reactivated";

export default (props: templates.MyFormSetTemplate) => (
        <form method="POST">
            <CSRFToken />
                    <FormSet formSet={props.formSet} as="table" />
            <button type="submit">Submit</button>


For more control over form sets, you can use the useFormSet hook. This will expose each form in the form set under forms. From then on, you can render the forms manually as with the useForm example. But don't forget ManagementForm.

import {CSRFToken, useFormSet, ManagementForm, templates} from "@reactivated";

export default (props: templates.MyFormSetTemplate) => {
    const formSet = useFormSet({formSet: props.formSet});

    return (
        <form method="POST">
            <CSRFToken />
            <ManagementForm formSet={props.formSet} />
            {formSet.forms.map((form) => (
                // Render each form
            <button type="button" onClick={formSet.addForm} />

Note that for convenience, useFormSet also exposes an addForm method to dynamically add a form to the form set.

Just like useForm, useFormSet exposes the values of each form under values.


Yes, it's magic. You can use reverse just like you can in your Django code.

All your named views will be there with full static types.

Take the following urls.py file:

from django.urls import path

from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path("", views.home_page, name="home_page"),
    path("blog/<str:post_slug>/", views.post_detail, name="post_detail"),
    path("widgets/<int:widget_id>/", views.widget_detail, name="widget_detail"),

Reverse will expect the following fully type-safe code:

import {reverse} from "@reactivated";

// No arguments. If you pass any, TypeScript will not compile.

// An argument of type string with the name post_slug is expected
reverse("post_detail", {post_slug: "you-might-not-need-jwt"});

// An argument of type number with the name widget_id is expected
reverse("widget_detail", {widget_id: 3});

When your code executes, the right URLs will be resolved for you.

Warning: We need your thoughts and feedback on the reverse API. There are potential security considerations.



Formatting and linting should not occupy your time. Reactivated bundles prettier, eslint, black, flake8, and isort to solve this for you.

There's no configuration, just run the below script to fix all the formatting in your application:

scripts/fix --all

You can also fix an individual file by passing the file, like so:

scripts/fix --file client/templates/MyTemplate.tsx

If you run scripts/fix.sh without any arguments, it will try to fix everything that has changed against the main branch of your repository.


You can test your application, including linting and formatting by running scripts/test.sh.

Try running it on the example project to see everything passing. Then try breaking it.

You can test only React code and Django code by using the --client and --server flags, respectively.