

Reactivated uses templates to connect your Django views to React components.

Unlike Django templates, the context of a Reactivated template is declared explicitly.

Not only does this document your code, but it ensures your React code is type-safe as well.

Rendering templates

Imagine we have a template that expects an instance of a Book model and a CommentForm to leave a review.

Without Reactivated, we would render the template like so:

render(request, "my_template.html", {"book": book_instance, "form": form_instance})`

With Reactivated, we first declare our template structure:

from reactivated import Pick, template
from typing import Literal

class MyTemplate(NamedTuple):
    book: Pick[models.Book, Literal["name"]]
    form: forms.CommentForm

Then we render it like so, giving us an HttpResponse:

MyTemplate(book=book_instance, form=form_instance).render(request)


Something surely stands out in the template above: we wrapped Book with Pick and specified a "name" field. This is because we need to tell Reactivated what fields we want sent to React from the model instance. You cannot pass entire models as Reactivated would have no way of knowing what fields you are going to use.

Think of Pick as a very quick way to create a serializer for your models.


Unlike models, forms can be passed whole to your templates. Reactivated knows what to do.


Besides our special way to render a template, everything else in your view is standard Django. The full view should look very similar to idiomatic Django with type annotations:

def comment_on_book(request: HttpRequest, *, book_id: int) -> HttpResponse:
    book_instance = get_object_or_404(models.Book, pk=book_id)
    comment_form = forms.CommentForm(request.POST or None)

    if comment_form.is_valid():
        # process comment

    return MyTemplate(book=book_instance, form=comment_form).render(request)

The React Side

With your Python code declared above, Reactivated would expect a Template export at client/templates/MyTemplate.tsx for a React component that accepts the context you declared. As you can see, types are automatically generated:

import React from "react";

import {templates, Form} from "@reactivated";

export const Template = (props: templates.MyTemplate) => (
            <Form as="p" form={props.form} />
            <button type="submit">Submit</button>


Context is a tricky word here. What Django calls context means the variables available for a template to use. In essence, what React would call the props.

And what React calls context means props you can access across components without having to pass them down the hierarchy manually.

Finally, Django has the concept of context_processors to allow you to automatically include items, the request object, settings, and more into your template context.

The main examples are your CSRF token, the request object, and messages.

When using a React template, you'll have access to your props as declared using the template decorator. But you can also access context processors by importing Context and using React.useContext. Like everything else in Reactivated, this will be statically typed.

import React from "react";

import {templates, Context} from "@reactivated";

export const Template = (props: templates.MyTemplate) => {
    const context = React.useContext(Context);

    return (
            <p>My static URL is {context.STATIC_URL}</p>
            <p>Currently, the following messages were supposed to be shown:</p>
            <pre>{JSON.stringify(context.messages, null, 4)}</pre>

Currently, only your own context processors and a few built-in ones are supported. If you write your own context processor, be sure to add it to the TEMPLATES setting, and make sure to properly annotate its return value.


The tried-and-true Post/Redirect/Get workflow for forms will serve you well. But sometimes you want more dynamic, app-like behavior. Enter AJAX.

From our example app, you can see how to use fetch and FormData to submit a form without reloading the browser.

def poll_comments(request: HttpRequest, question_id: int) -> HttpResponse:
    question = get_object_or_404(models.Question, id=question_id)
    form = forms.Comment(
        request.POST or None, instance=models.Comment(question=question)

    if form.is_valid():

        if request.accepts("application/json") is False:
            return redirect("poll_comments",

    return templates.PollComments(question=question, form=form).render(request)

And a redacted version of the React template:

export const Template = (props: templates.PollComments) => {
    const {question} = props;
    const {request} = React.useContext(Context);
    const [comments, setComments] = React.useState(question.comments);
    const form = useForm({form: props.form});
    const title = `${props.question.question_text} comments`;

    const onSubmit = async (event: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => {
        const formElement = event.currentTarget;
        const formData = new FormData(formElement);

        const response = await fetch(request.path, {
            method: "POST",
            body: formData,
            headers: {
                Accept: "application/json",

        const data = (
            (await response.json()) as {props: templates.PollComments}


        if (data.form.errors != null) {
        } else {

    return (
        <Layout title={title}>

                <Form as="p" form={form} />
                <button type="submit">Comment</forms.button>

You'll notice this will work with or without JavaScript enabled. Moreover, data is reloaded with a single request.

You can use our setup script to try out the full example and review the code.

In the future, Reactivated will provide higher-level helpers to streamline this process but this should illustrate the general flow.

REST-style endpoint

We may want to create an AJAX only endpoint. Basically a read-only REST-style view that serializes a model. This is easy to do using the interface decorator.


from typing import Literal, NamedTuple

from reactivated import interface, Pick

from . import models

class WidgetDetail(NamedTuple):
    widget: Pick[models.Widget, Literal["name", "price"]]

Then in our

from . import models, interfaces

def widget_detail_api(request: HttpRequest, *, widget_id: int) -> HttpResponse:
    widget = get_object_or_404(models.Widget, pk=widget_id)
    return interfaces.WidgetDetail(widget=widget).render(request)

Assuming we connected this view to /widgets/<int:question_id>/, we could now use this anywhere in the React side of things by importing interfaces from @reactivated

Here's a redacted example:

import {interfaces} from "@reactivated";

const response = await fetch("/widgets/5/", {
    headers: {
        Accept: "application/json",

const data: interfaces.WidgetDetail = await response.json();
const {widget} = data;

Note: This is highly experimental. Reactivated will support first-class AJAX APIs with minimal code and strong type safety.

Project Structure

Reactivated encourages the following structure, but we want your comments:

    -   client
        -   index.tsx
        -   components
            -   Avatar.tsx
            -   Layout.tsx
        -   templates
            -   MyTemplate.tsx
    -   server
        -   settings
        -   books_app